Praise for "Fearless Choices"
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I thoroughly enjoyed reading the various "yes" moments from the writers; insightful, thoughtful, touching, and heartwarming. Amazing how some of these women had the strength and gumption to "go forward"; some making some pretty bold choices. Barbara truly has a gift for drawing people out; making them feel comfortable and at ease. I cannot thank her enough for sharing her book with the world. I feel honored and very grateful to have had the opportunity to read it. I am planning to order 6 books. - Rhonda
Fearless Choices is a wonderful display of woman really finding themselves, overcoming the obstacles of self doubt, anxiety, and being true to who they believe they could be. It is amazing the ripple effect that can have on your life. What an honor it is to know Barbara Krauss. I am truly so blessed to have her in my life. And I could not be more proud of the amazing accomplishments she has made - Jessika
The personal stories shared within this book are extremely heartfelt and inspiring, showing women who are at once tender and vulnerable, while also brave and strong. I am delighted that my story, The Invitation has been included among the others, my life now forever entwined with theirs. I believe that to be fearless requires courage, determination and faith, and reading these stories leaves me feeling daring, a bit reckless even, and most certainly, eager to leap from safe shores and out into that endless blue wonder. - Christina
I'm inspired reading the fearless choices that comprise this book. I'm savoring the variety of stories and insights. And, Barbara's personal reflections touched my heart. - Trude