Step away from what I believe to be true and open to the magic of the Raven, the enchantress of life. She will show us how to come out of the dark and into the light, from unformed into form. She is the life-force of the creative. Playful and alive. Trickster and teacher. Watchful and intelligent. Manifestor of magic. Messenger of creation.
Sitting in my sacred space, window open to the sounds of the forest, I hear the chatter of the flock. She has returned standing at the entrance to my portal. Looking, watching, speaking in secret tongue. My teacher. The protector of my spirit. Gatekeeper of my soul. You have returned and beckoned me just as the seasons are to change from the dark of the winter to the light of the spring. Shall I look into the mirror and see the reflection of the blackness of her color tipped with iridescent specks of deep purples and blues? Shall I look into her watchful dark eyes and see the world through her lens? Shall I become the watchful prankster as I perch upon the tower and sit in the stillness of observation? And in my inquiry wonder if perhaps I am her and she is me. At this time in my life I believe I am always becoming who I am becoming, and in my childlike curiosity have the hunger to find where it is I am to land. Deep transformational work. Tearing from the inside out. Cries of desperation. Tears of joyful centered peace. Laughter in the sunshine. I continue to learn. I continue to open my being. I continue to be vulnerable and alive. I carry no shame as I walk my unsteady path to the destination that is calling to me. I fly with my wings spread wide and allow mother wind to carry me to places of which I long to see. I am the Raven. I am the retreat. I am the Raven's retreat.
I need to do something more than read the newspaper, listen to the news, sit in on conversations, about things that are happening in our country with this new administration. I attended a gathering with a thousand other people to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Japanese internment camps. It was focused on 'never again' shall this happen in our country. I am sad, angry, and anxious. I want to do something but have not found a place to land. I cannot sit idle and do nothing.
I draw a picture of how I feel - Dark chaotic squiggly clouds in the sky. Underneath are brown lines forming a lifeless barrier. Beneath that are green blades of grass. And beneath that are dots of bright spring colors hiding underneath the grass afraid to come to the surface. When I draw a picture of finding my voice around all of this, I see a kind of cone swirl much like a tornado. I am standing at the bottom - the narrowest part - looking up into this massive funnel. I can see the wide open top but have a lot of layers to move through before I can get there. When I think of fostering an active, sensuous relationship with the New Earth, I think of the full snow moon expanding its light as it touches the souls of all who can comprehend its magic.
I think of the cool freshness of the air as the season begins to transition into Spring. I think of the precious newly awakened daffodils just beginning to peep their heads out from a long winter's sleep. I think of mornings becoming light and the extended darkness stepping away. I think of the rebirth of energy that is beginning to permeate the gift of our being alive. A sensuous relationship with the New Earth is a relationship with nourishing our bodies, minds and spirits. It is expanding our understanding of the purpose of sustenance. It is opening our intellectual curiosity so that we may digest what we are meant to learn. It is giving blessing to all life-energies. It is brightening our radiance in the world and beyond. I am now at the point of my life where I am settling into my wisdom. I am finding my footing in the softness of the ground and sinking into the womb of the earth. I am snuggling into growing older and tasting the sweetness of where I am right now. I continue on my journey moving toward the shore and embracing my brilliant life-force. I invite you to drop a stone into a sleeping pond and awaken the water's skin, to whisper a prayer into soft breeze of your desires and dreams, to whistle a sweet song to awaken the newness of the earth. |
about BarbaraI am a steward of creative inquiry. I am most alive when enraptured by the organic flow and freedom I experience when immersed in my creative expression, which I write about here in this blog. Archives
August 2019
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